How to make 3D models

Often we hear the expression “3D” without even thinking about the meaning. It is an abbreviation for “3-dimensional.” However, the abbreviation is most often not used by itself; explanatory words are added: sound, video, show, printer, and so on.
The main meaning of this term is the transition from a flat space to a three-dimensional, more realistic one. Such visualization has found its application in creating three-dimensional images.
Thus, 3D modeling is the creation of three-dimensional objects using computer programs. If the models have to move, then you need to use special software.
Note that you can make 3D models at Cyberfox service
Cyberfox offers making 3D models for various tasks. Our capabilities allow us not only to create a 3D model but also to print it on a 3D printer, then introduce it into production.
Why Cyberfox is one of the best 3D making services on the market
Cyberfox makes models based on drawings, sketches, and photographs. We help to implement any project, from modeling parts for production to making a souvenir product model. Use the callback order service, and we will tell you the deadline for completing the order and the cost of 3D modeling.

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What is 3D ?
3D modeling is visualizing an object in three-dimensional space using computer programs. The capabilities of modern computer graphics allow you to show the external and internal appearance of an object with maximum realism.
Allows you to form a complete picture of placing objects and equipment indoors. With the help of a three-dimensional model, it is fashionable to show all the elements of the presented exposition: the arrangement of furniture, the location of heating and water supply systems, and electrical wiring. This allows you to minimize costs and avoid possible errors in the construction and finishing process. 3D modeling helps to create sets of furniture and stairs of various configurations, and to assess the level of illumination of the interior.
3D modeling makes it possible to visualize objects in high quality. Consumers can not only evaluate future designs but also interact with objects inside apartments, add interior items, and change the visual style of the interior.
For already built objects, a model with a panoramic view function is created, which allows a person to see a building ready for occupancy with their own eyes.
Having determined the place of a physical object in 3D space, it is possible to design and implement the most complex innovative ideas in landscape design.
3D design guide for beginners
Our world is constantly changing, and processes and technologies are changing. Procedures in architecture are also changing, so the visualization of architectural objects has confidently moved from 2D to 3D. Using 3D modeling in the design, reconstruction, restoration, and operation of buildings and structures has ceased to be just a marketing tool to attract investors and buyers.
3D models are divided into 2 categories:
One of the most modern and productive methods of designing structures is professional solid-state 3D modeling. In simple words, this technology differs from others in that the bodies and objects modeled with its help have all the characteristics of a physical body. The program considers weight, material, material resistance, fire resistance, buoyancy, and other characteristics. This allows you to better understand what kind of design will be in the output, what improvements are required, and what may be structurally superfluous.
When working with a solid-state 3D modeling program, it is much easier to make corrections. There is no need to redo the entire model every time, if anything changes in it; it is enough just to change the conditions of the program and in a short time it will make amendments to the already existing model.
The advantages of this technology are as close as possible to the present model. If you look at it from all sides, it will look more realistic, considering all the conditions.
Solid-state 3D modeling reduces the design time of structures and mechanisms. If less time is spent on creating the model and making the corrections, then the design time will also be reduced.
Here, from the very beginning, work is done with shells of bodies, and not with individual surfaces. Shells fully describe the surfaces of the simulated objects that separate their internal volume from the rest of the space. Constructing the body shell in this case is like manufacturing the simulated object.
First, a shell of some blank shape is created. Then, the shell of the workpiece is changed in a way. To do this, Boolean operations on bodies, the operation of constructing a thin-walled body from a workpiece, the operation of rounding edges, the operation of constructing stiffeners, and other operations are used. With the help of operations, the shell of the body is given the required shape.
The two approaches of modeling have a lot in common and differ in the technology of creating a model. In both cases, similar actions are performed, but in a different sequence. In the next chapter, we will look at 3D modeling methods.
3D methods
To create a 3D object, you need to use a computer program that will provide the necessary tools and templates for the designer.
Unlike images, the voxel (voxel – volumetric pixel) storage method has not taken root in the world of 3D models. Only some artisans use it when creating games or in scientific research. This is because of the history of the appearance of volumetric graphics.
Unlike the appearance of photography, volumetric graphics are created on a computer and used for animation. Voxels are much more difficult to animate, so they started using a polygonal storage method instead. The complete model comprises a set of polygons: triangles with three points. It’s like creating sculptures out of paper: by connecting a lot of flat pieces, you can get something voluminous and even smooth.
Currently, various 3D programs are presented on the market of additive technologies, which are designed for the development of three-dimensional models. Each product has its own characteristics. One piece of software helps to view and correct inaccuracies in 3D files, another helps to create special effects, and a third helps to design complex details and sculptures.
Parametric modeling
Parametric modeling is the design of an object model using parameters and relationships between the parameters of its elements. With the help of parametrization (parametric modeling), it is possible to test various combinations of geometric ratios and changes in model parameters in a short time, make adjustments, and avoid further errors.
Parametric three-dimensional or two-dimensional modeling differs significantly from conventional drawing or 3D modeling. With parametric modeling, a mathematical model is created with parameters, a change to which entails a change in the entire configuration of the part, the movement of parts in the assembly, and other similar transformations.
The idea to create parametric modeling appeared a long time ago, but unfortunately, it was impossible to implement it because of insufficient computer performance. 1989 was the birth of parametric modeling since it was in this year that the first CAD software with parametrization functions was released.
The formation and implementation of dependencies and manipulations of them is essentially a design process. Therefore, parametric modeling is the simplest, most convenient way to design objects, since it is this technology that provides a specialist with full access to dependency control. Parameterization is a method of designing objects for specialists that is as easy as editing text in a word.
Polygonal modeling
Polygonal modeling is a type of 3D modeling that appeared when it was necessary to manually enter coordinates along the X, Y, and Z axes to find a point. If three coordinate points are set as vertices and connected by edges, then a triangle is obtained, which in 3D modeling is called a polygon.
A polygon with three vertices is called a triangulated polygon, and a polygon with four vertices is called a quadrangle polygon. If you look at models created using polygons, you notice that most of them are created by polygons with three or four vertices. Each polygon can have its own texture and color, and by combining several polygons, you can get a model of any object. Connected polygons form a polygonal grid or a polygonal object.
For the edges of the model not to have a faceted appearance, the polygons must be small, and the surface of the object must comprise small planes.
If accurate modeling of an object (high-polygonal modeling) is assumed, or its image is further enlarged, then it is necessary to build a model with many polygons, although if the object model is viewed from a distance without approximation, a few polygons will suffice. Such models are called high-poly and low-poly, respectively.
Although polygonal modeling is used often, especially in creating three-dimensional real-time computer games, recently there has been a transition from polygon modeling to working with splines.
Digital sculpting
Sculpting is the way of modeling objects which allows you to intuitively shape and add details, like modeling from plasticine or clay. Using this method, you can create rough model shapes from a simple primitive frame or add details and improve the shape of existing models.
Many programs focus only on sculpting: Zbrush from Pixologic, Mudbox from Autodesk, and so on. These programs cost a lot of money and are used by real professionals. In the Blender program, sculpting is a free function. If you want to create realistic models and delve into sculpting, you will need the skills of an artist or a sculptor, and knowledge of human anatomy.
Sculpting in 3D is like in real life. First, you need to create a blank of the future object. There are no restrictions here: it can be a person, an animal, a plant, or an invented creature. The main thing is not to add details, only to create the general form.
Visual assessment of the appearance, the overall integrity and consistency of the design, and the adequacy of the perception of the conceived actual image of the interior is an important part of the development of any serious project. 3D modeling allows you to look a little into the future and understand how such a living space corresponds to the customer’s internal ideas of comfort, coziness, stylishness, and beauty.
With the help of modern software tools, it is possible to create three-dimensional images with a high level of accuracy and quality. With the help of 3D models, you can avoid mistakes because of the impossibility of a holistic visual perception of the projected object.
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